This song relates to the depths of the Root Chakra (Muladhara).
The personal story behind Restore as well as a wealth of tools and resources relating to the profound wisdom of this energy center can be found in Chapter One of the companion book: AWAKEN TO YOUR TRUTH: How to Thrive in the New Age of Aquarius.
Download the book individually or as part of the LEADER bundle which includes the whole record, lyric videos, artwork, guitar tabs, documentary and more!
Restore by Matt Welsh (BLUVNBU)
Sick and tired and everything’s falling apart. I should’ve known this would happen from the start. Feels like I’ve been here so many times before. There’s a reason for the seasons. But, this one I’m not sure. Maybe there’s something… Something else for me! Today is a new day. I feel like I belong. Here with a brand new story. Singing another song. Maybe there’s something… Something else for me! Whatever… I decide to do it’s meant to be. You can build me up. But, you can’t break me down. I’ve got my feet planted in the ground. Rock bottom is where I’ve been. For far too long! You can build me up. But, you can’t break me down. I’ve got my feet planted in the ground. Rock bottom is where I’ve been. For Far too long! You can build me up. But, you can’t break me down. I’ve got my feet planted in the ground. Rock bottom is where I’ve been. But, not for long! Come on, come on, be who you are. Embrace your shadow and open your heart. What are you waiting for? Come back to Source, come back restore! Come on, come on, be who you are. Embrace your shadow and open your heart. What are you waiting for? Come back to Source, come back restore!
Custom Track Artwork by Carolynne (Matt’s birth mother)

Co-Creators of the Awakening EP:
Written and Performed by Matt Welsh (BLUVNBU)
Recorded, Mixed, and Produced by Josh Hastick (Engine3Productions)
Mastered by Mike Kalajian (Rogue Planet Mastering)
Master Web Design by Alex Mangini (Marketers Delight)
Album Artwork by Melanie Harrington (Stardust Studios)
Custom Track Artwork by Carolynne Welsh (
SJC Custom Drums – The Aquarian drum set