“I Do” – Root Chakra (Premium Framed Canvas)

$ 40.00$ 70.00

$ 70.00

SKU: 1332419921 Category:


Originating from the eye of artist Carolynne… this work is reflective of her interpretation of the Root Chakra. The affirmation “I Do” is complimentary to the nature of this energy center as it relates to the mysterious, cosmic, and etheric nature of the human experience.

This piece of wall art also expands on the story of the song “Restore” by Matt Welsh (BLUVNBU). It is a collective work as part of the artist’s New Age Rock record, The Awakening. In the song, the artist shares his personal experience of being sick, tired, and hitting rock bottom. Then, finding the strength to be himself and restore his connection to Source.
Benefits and Features:
  • Feel relaxed at home with this imaginative decorative wall art
  • Inspire yourself and your guests with visually stunning spaces
  • Experience peace with vibrant colors that light up your studio
  • Express your passion for the wisdom of the Chakras
  • Great for your studio, apartment, home, and beyond
  • Environmentally conscious Recycled plastic frame
  • 100% Cotton fabric canvas with high image quality and detail
  • Recommended for indoor use
  • Recommended size 16″ x 16″
  • Authentic Official Merchandise sold exclusively by Matt Welsh (BLUVNBU)
Purchase individually now or get the entire (7) piece canvas wall art collection!
All Designs (C) Beloveandbeyou 2020