I AM Officially a Published Author

This was not easy. Or was it?
Long before the concept of what you see here, I have been writing.
It was back in my 3rd grade of high school when I really took a passion to it. I would create all sorts of non-fiction handmade books, with stories, characters, and hand-drawn art.
I literally have no resistance to writing. I sit down with a pen and paper or my keyboard and time begins to disappear with each stroke. This is exactly what it means to know your passion, as I describe in my guidebook THE LAST STAND: How to Thrive in the Age of Aquarius.
Which is exactly why I am writing this blog post. My first book is published!

Many people have dreams of becoming an author. I realized that I needed to publish a book to really own that title, but a lack of an anthology never stopped me from writing.
For the last decade, I have been writing blogs, newsletters, song lyrics, social media posts, proposals, agreements, and endless communications via text and messaging apps.
Does that not make me an author? Every thought turned into a word is carefully written, read, edited, and reviewed after I press send. I am very intentional with my language. For many reasons, it means a lot to me.
But, I have to admit… my first book really means a lot to me. Not solely because it was first or that it is my best work (because it won’t be). It means a lot because of the power contained within this text.
This guidebook summarizes extensive research into the subjects of time, astrology, human existence, history, religions, finance, business, health, and especially my personal experience. Yet, aside from the mentors I had referenced within the book, I make no mention of myself until the very last word: my signature.
After completing the book, I had used the finder tool in google docs to eradicate any use of the word “I”. To my surprise, I only had to delete one! This was incredibly challenging to pull off. But, the point to make, is that this is a testament to the truth that this book is not about me.
A guidebook is intended to serve as a tool for others to use as a guide. It should generally not be bloated with the author’s life story and opinions. This is how I was able to effectively keep the book to a number of 66 pages.
If you are here now, you are intentionally going out of your way to learn from or support my journey to impact the world. I thank you for that.

In an effort to show my gratitude for you effort, I will disclose a vision that had come to me on the eve of this release: eventually this guidebook will become 33 pages.
This is only the first edition. There will be future editions to come as I refine this work, gather more feedback, and continue my research.
However, as you read the guidebook, you will realize that the first 33 pages of it are a journey to bring people up to speed.
At this time, the majority of humanity has not invested the 10,000 hours to build their worldview on factual information. Thanks to the internet, this has been possible the last 30 years. However, some folks need more convincing to awaken from their slumber. The Universe can have an intense way of working this out for the most stubborn souls. So, it is important to listen and pay close attention.
I do believe in my heart, there will be a time where the majority of people have recognized the pain involved to arrive where we are today. The iron age of Pisces was not the nicest of times for mankind. And though they are falling, the powers from the Piscean age still exist today. Until we shed our collective ignorance, this pain will plague the dawn of this Aquarian Age.
In order for us to build a better society, this must be recognized. Most importantly, we must forgive and move on.
When it is clear that the tide has turned, I will shift the language of this guidebook and AgeofAquarius.org to focus on the peaceful, abundant, and prosperous future that awaits us.
Until then, we have work to do.
I encourage you to join the Aquarian Community Forum and Newsletter to recieve a free download of the guidebook. Get started right away.
I look forward to serving you long into our bright future and thank you for being here.
With Luv & Gratitude,

P.S. If you would like to view the official book release on AgeofAquarius.org, you can view that post here.