BLUVNBU [LIVE] at Anarchapulco 2023
After two consecutive years performing at the world’s premier anarchy event, I am confirmed to speak on the main stage at Anarchapulco in Acapulco, Mexico on Wednesday February 8th, 2023 at 11:20 AM CT.
I am also performing a few songs live on the main stage on Monday February 6th, 2023. This is an open mic setting. So, I approximate taking the stage around 9 PM CT.
View the Official Press Release on

I have persistently worked for the last several years volunteering my friendship, labor, and music to build the rapport that would warrant this opportunity.
I am not one for putting anyone or anything on a pedestal, including myself. But, I am convinced that this conference is an important meeting of the minds, if not the most important in the world.
This is a very tightly knit group of freedom fighters, many of which were in the absolute beginning of the anarchy movement and blockchain tech. The speakers I will be sharing the stage with are among the best leaders, teachers, and healers today.
I absolutely resonate most as an anarcho-capitalist. It is the most free and just way to allow the growth of a healthy society that I have seen. The values within this way of life are essentially the same that are required to thrive in the air Age of Aquarius.
This is precisely what I intend to speak on…
I will be speaking LIVE on Wednesday February 8th, 2023 at 11:20 AM CT for the third day of the event, Cryptopulco.

Title of my talk: Thrive With Crypto in the Aquarian Age
My team and I will be arriving in grand fashion with custom merchandise, banners, and the first round of printed guidebooks portraying our work on
This presentation will be similar to my talk during the Aquarian Music & Art Festival almost exactly a year ago. However, this time I will be returning with some exciting, unexpected, cutting-edge displays.
The lifelong contacts, teachings, and experiences I have garnered in the last several years have been worth their weight in gold.
Anarchapulco 2021 was my first time in Mexico and was not an easy trip to make at the time. The Covid narrative was in high effect and there was much uncertainty around even being allowed to travel.
United Airlines had even turned around my plane about 45 minutes into our connecting flight from Houston to Acapulco. The passengers in front of me were accused of not wearing a mask and the flight attendants called it in.
They were then escorted off the plane and asked to pay a $15,000 extortion fee to the FAA as a result. But, thankfully soon after they were off the plane, we were on our way to ACA.
This became quite the story throughout the event. But, I share it to illustrate that the risk of traveling is much easier (for now) and totally worth the investment.
With the help and strong recommendation of Alex Vidal (Freenauts), I was able to open the closing event at Hannah Sun Club alongside him, Kingdom Kome, and BurntMD. It was a huge success!

After a successful first year of this event, I traveled back to Acapulco for Anarchapulco 2022 once again to perform alongside a great set of freedom artists. I also volunteered to assist the Pirate Chain (ARRR) booth during the event. This was a fun one!
I had put in a lot of work with Pirate Chain traveling to various freedom events in 2021. This resulted in me feeling very welcome and well-connected by the time this event had come around.
All of these experiences compounded into me eventually traveling with Rafael LaVerde of The Crypto Vigilante throughout the remainder of 2022. I very much consider this man to be one of the few most important thought leaders in blockchain tech.
Though I have been a subscriber of his newsletter for the last several years, through quality time, I was eager and able to learn the absolute cutting-edge of blockchain technology under his wing.
I am very blessed to have shared these experiences and have since been able to connect all of the dots and package them into a digestible guidebook for the newly awakening or advanced person to innerstand.

Because I have followed through with this proof of work consistently, Rafael had given the recommendation for me to speak during the Cryptopulco day of Anarchapulco.
Though I am prepared as ever and was born for this, there is a significant amount of responsibility for me to successfully deliver the message and within only 20 minutes.
If you can attend my live talk, there will be light demonstrations (some involving crowd participation) and gifts for all who attend. I recommend going, even if you are still on the fence.
To ease your costs, please use coupon code: BLUVNBU to save 10% in the checkout when you purchase your LIVE event ticket.
There are also Virtual Tickets available that include all of the talks and night life. NOTE: My 10% off discount code does NOT apply to virtual tickets. However, the virtual event is exceptionally well done and well worth the price for what you will learn. You can purchase your Virtual Ticket here.
I shared this article to further elaborate on my role within this anarchist community and specifically Anarchapulco. If you feel skepticism around the word Anarchy, you will benefit tremendously from attending this.
If you feel skepticism around Mexico, you will benefit from attending this. I like to say, “Mexico is God’s country.” It is the most abundant and beautiful place in the world! The people and their culture are very dear to my heart.
You now know how I arrived to the main stage and you now know why it was all worth it.
Wish me luck, and be sure to join the Aquarian Community to keep an eye out for what will soon be unveiled at this event. I hope you can attend and be first.

With Luv & Gratitude,